For control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereals ( Barley, Commercial Rye, Oats, Triticale, Wheat), Grass Pasture, Turf and non-crop areas.
Apparent Ravage is a highly concentrated selective weed killer which kills a broad range of common lawn weeds including: Bindii, Capeweed, Catsear, Clover, Dandelion, Dock, Lambs Tongue, Plantains and Thistles in common grass types. This product is not suitable for Buffalo and Durban Grasses. Do not fertilise turf for 2 weeks after spraying.
This weed killer which kills a broad range of common Grass Pastures weeds including: Bathurst Burr, Caltrop (Yellow Vine), Dandelion, Fleabanes, Heliotrope, Nettles, Noogoora Burr, Ragwort, Thistles including Cockspur, Scotch (Spear), Slender, Star, Variegated, Cotton Thistle, Wireweed (Hogweed), Buttercups and many others. DO NOT apply to legume pastures. Do not apply to crops or grass pastures with clover, lucerne or medics.Do not graze or cut for stock food for 7 days after Application.
For Non-Crop Situations weeds including Artichoke, Bindweed, Fennel, Hemlock, Thistle seedlings. A repeat spray may be necessary.
For more information on the mixing rates, situations and weeds killed click the link below.
Product Type: Herbicide Mode of Action: Group I Herbicide Active Ingredient: 340 g/L MCPA (present as the dimethylamine salt) & 80 g/L Dicamba (present as the dimethylamine salt) Formulation: Aqueous Concentrate (AC)